Reclast infusion
Yesterday I had a Reclast infusion. In July when the DEXA scan revealed significant bone density loss in just one year due to the use of Letrozole, I had a choice: stop taking Letrozole or do something to counter the negative impact Letrozole is having on my bone density. Since my August CT scan was clear (which we will assume is due in part of Letrozole), I chose to stay on Letrozole.
I then had another decision to make. Would I choose to take a weekly bisphosphonate, a monthly bisphosphonate, or a yearly infusion?
After careful thought and consideration, I chose the Reclast infusion because it seemed to fit in best with my lifestyle.
I was warned that this weekend I could potentially experience side effects, including:
Back pain
Bone pain
Flu-like symptoms
General weakness
5:30 am The only issue I am really dealing with is back pain, which although significant, is not keeping me from going on my beach walk soon
7:30 am Back from the beach and not feeling great. Back pain. Shoulder pain, Abdominal pain. Nausea. My calves feel like they do after a marathon.
9 am I feel I have the flu.
I spent the rest of the day in bed and never finished this post, but I woke up today (Sunday) feeling basically back to normal, so I hope the worst is behind me.
I’ll know in a year if this infusion and the discomfort that came with it was worth it.