The gift of this morning
I had a schedule today. I was going to go to Wrightsville Beach and walk for an hour and a half and be home by 8.
That didn’t happen.
Instead, the bridge went up as I was walking down, so I had to wait for that.
Because I waited for that, I was walking near the Loop a little later than expected, and as if on cue, a fox popped out, crossed my path, then retreated to the undergrowth to watch me from there. And I stopped to watch him, too.
I didn’t get a photo of him, but moments later I saw this bird, and I had to get a picture. I love seeing creatures while I am out walking in the morning.
That slight delay meant that I crossed paths with a friend a few minutes later. I haven’t seen her in a long time, and I would have surely missed her had I been on my schedule.
Walking the beach I recognized a couple from The Bridge I don’t know well, and they recognized me. After a long conversation, we were holding hands and praying right there on the sand.
Because of that unexpected encounter, I decided to head back in a different direction to save time, and I ran into friends who live on the island - friends I’ve looked for every single morning since I started walking at Wrightsville Beach, but I had yet to see. We were able to chat for quite a while, and they encouraged me so much!
This morning was a gift. I haven’t showered yet, I’m completely off the schedule I set for myself, and I am completely okay with that.
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.”