But what He really wants is my heart

I woke up on the morning of September 17, 2014, wondering what my future relationship with Haiti would be. The day before, everything that I had believed would be the future had been taken away with one phone call, and the shock of it all was still fresh. I was no longer part of the work I thought I would be investing in for the rest of my life.

Those were hard days, but they taught me so much about waiting, not settling for the easy thing, about dreaming for something more, about believing that God has a plan even if we can’t see it.

Today I believe that often we can’t see the road ahead, not because it’s dark, but because it’s so bright we aren’t yet ready to see its brilliance.

Yesterday Hudson sent me some photos he took of English class. (The photos are phenomenal, and I know he’ll share them on Haiti Awake’s social media next week.) It’s in these ordinary moments that I am reminded God’s plans are bigger than our plans and sometimes God closes a door because He has something much more beautiful in mind for us.

The work taking place at Haiti Awake is significant as day-by-day, in the ordinary moments, lives are being impacted in profound, lasting ways.

Glwa pou Bondye.


Even so, come, Lord Jesus


The ministry of presence