Connections of the heart
I can’t say we asked in faith “nothing wavering” because I know my faith wavered again and again. Yet God was always faithful.
Nearly 12 years ago, God, in His providence, allowed my path to cross with a group of children who were living in an incredibly difficult situation. In the months and years that followed, we saw our Father do immeasurably more than we could have asked or imagined. We prayed for miracles, and we saw them come to pass time and time again. I can’t say we asked in faith “nothing wavering” because I know my faith wavered again and again. Yet God was always faithful.
This week it was as if everything had come full circle because for a few precious hours, I was able to spend time with Idelmy and Lorvens. The miles between us have been great for such a long time, but during that sacred time we shared, time and miles vanished. It was as if we had never been apart.
Sitting together on a borrowed porch in Cap Haitien, speaking as adults, hearing their stories, I was reminded of this verse:
They both have matured significantly in recent months, and I am so proud of the men they are becoming.
Haiti can be discouraging. Recent years have been difficult beyond words. There have been days I have regretted ever giving my heart to a place that has brought so much sorrow into my life. I can’t “unknow” what I know.
But God . . .
Tuesday reminded me why I have given my heart to this place that many have forsaken. It is these times that remind me that investing in one life is worth all the pain. It is these times when the joy I find in this place far outweighs the regret.
Many thanks to those of you who invested in the children’s lives for so many years. Although I have had the privilege of being in close physical proximity, without so many of you, this story would never have come to pass.
The story of Kay Timoun was particularly impacted by one man who met the children in 2015 and asked, “Why are they living like this?” and went home determined to make a difference. And that’s what he has done. He and his family have been making a difference these last 10 years - not just for Idelmy and Lorvens, but for all the children who have called Kay Timoun home.