
In 2024, I committed to a year of daily celebration, finding something or someone to specifically celebrate day-by-day. This was more of an undertaking that I had anticipated, and as the end of 2024 approached, I found myself feeling a sense of relief that I would soon be finished with the daily commitment, yet at the same time believing that it could be encouraging to many to continue to share words of encouragement on a regular basis.

On my morning walks through December, I prayed for guidance for 2025, specifically what would be next for Fear is Not My Future. (As a side note, in 2024 I was able to trademark Fear is Not My Future.)

On December 30, while conversing with a friend, I received the clarity and direction for which I had been looking, and on the morning of January 1, I received further confirmation when I ran into an old acquaintance on the beach who told me how much Celebrate had meant to her.

In 2017 I was given a list of words and told to choose those which had the most value to me. It was not an easy project. All of the words were “good” words. All of the things were things most humans would value. But I had to choose the things I valued the most.

It is that exercise and the resulting list that will be the inspiration for this year’s blog entitled A Word to Remember.

A Word to Remember will not be a daily blog, though it will be updated regularly, focusing on these words I hope characterize my life and will one day define the eulogy of my existence. I hope A Word to Remember will be an encouragement and a challenge to think about your own values so that you can live your life with more intentionality.

I am honored by the thoughtful comments and kind words I have received from readers in 2024. Now, on to the new year!

